I think I might have had my first hallucination - you tell me

I’ve never had hallucinations before …just delusions and paranoia. But a couple days ago I awoke to see this guy standing a few feet from my bed. He was ghostlike…not completely visable so I immediately knew he wasn’t real. As I woke up more he slowly faded away. Was this a hallucination or was it just something to do with just waking up?

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I get these waking up/falling asleep hallucinations.
They are perfectly normal.

I frequently get them.

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I think its from the meds ever since I started taking antipsychotics I see writing on the walls and spiders / other animated figures when I first wake up


Its just from sleep I think. I feel that I am still dreaming for some time when I wake up, too much sedation from meds. Also during my first psychosis I didn’t really have visual hallucinations, just auditory.
Once I stopped meds I got visual hallucinations, objects seen as people watching me, shadows, insects, bugs, etc


My “hallucinations” Are Usually Quick Shadows. Beyond My Glance Out of The Corners of My Egyptian Eyes. Okay J/k, I’m Not Egyptian. But!, That ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’, Song is Fascinating. Not to Mention, That Suzanna Hoff’s, (Hope I Spelled Her Name Right), That Vocalist, is Super, I’ll Say it Again, Super Attractive.

I Have No Idea How Her Age Sits. But Her Significant Other is One Lucky Individual.

Still Looks Magnificent.

N e Hoo.

I’m Rambling. I Never Had a Figure in Full Vision in My Years. Although, I Did Have One Moment Where I Was Confused.

But!, Meaningless in The End.


DJ Nosferatu Bat (sleepoptimistic)

:latin_cross: :yin_yang: :latin_cross:


THey’re called “hypnagogic hallucinations” and are quite common.
Essentially, you wake up, but the process gets a little screwed up, so your brain is still technically dreaming.


These kind of hallucinations are sometimes caused by certain APs.
They are called Hypnopompic, Hypnagogic hallucinations.

I had them all the time on Abilify.

I still get them and I’m no longer on Abilify.

But yeah “normal” people get these kind of hallucinations as well.

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Yeah, i’m on abilify too

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A couple months ago I woke up to a voice as loud as a bell saying “fu ck you”. I woke up laughing. I guess it’s not funny but the f word makes me laugh. And it was so loud and distinct.

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That’s more normal than one thinks. I get sleep paralysis and you can hallucinate upon waking without it being schizophrenia? But I’m no doctor…I see a neurologist for other issues and they said it’s pretty common.


When I hallucinate I see people’s faces morph into exaggerated expressions and I hear voices that come from them but they say, no swear they didn’t speak to me. I have seen in the middle of the day things not there but apparition type hallucinations has only happened to me a few times. I see shadows of animals and other things move across my floor or around doorways more often than the rest. I also sometimes hallucinate smells and touch. My last break I felt hands ripping out of my neck and spine. I almost wrecked my spouse seen me freaking out and made me pull over and drove. I was very agitated.

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