I think I have decided

I need to go on benefits for a short term period so I can recover and rebuild myself.

It would also give me time to re-evaluate my life and do my therapy without all the stressors at work.

I am thinking about a year.

What do you all think about that as a plan?

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It’s not a bad idea. I mean, you’ll have to explain to prospective employers why you didn’t work for a year, but that’s the main downside I see. I wish I could’ve taken more time off after my psychotic breaks; I think I would’ve recovered much more quickly. If taking some time off is an option for you, I would say it’s not a bad option.

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Maby speak to your employer and ask if you can take a sabbatical, the company I am at has that option, although a year is a long time. I think the only way to know if your fully recovered is if your able to work, and you might not get a clear picture of your functioning if you quit your job for recovery purposes.

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Maby see if you can reduce hours further as an option or work from home. Find out first from employer what they can offer

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I kind of did that and it worked out OK. I unloaded trucks for four years from 1993-1997. But near the end I burned out and I called in sick too much and kept asking for fewer hours the last four months. I was highly successful at this job for quite awhile but I finally quit; things changed, new people got hired. Too many changes so I quit and joined a day program.

The program wasn’t terribly strict or hard so I went there 3 or 4 days a week. We had groups and art classes, chores, breaks, watched videos on a VCR, ate lunch. After about 8 or 9 months a counselor came up to me and she had an ad she clipped out of the newspaper that a company was looking for a park ranger, no experience necessary.

I thought no way could I do it but the counselor had faith in me so I applied and became a park ranger, lol! I ended up staying almost two years. Actually the job wasn’t what I pictured it to be. I pictured walking through greenery, seeing lots of animals, friendly park goers asking me questions about trees and deer. The reality was much different. It involved a lot of emptying garbage cans and picking up trash, cleaning restrooms, lots of being bored out of mind just sitting around for hours.

It had it’s good points like I got my own pick-up truck to patrol the parks, I had a cool uniform and I had a lot of responsibility. But occasionally there was a lot of hard work. Anyways, that was my highest status job and I’m glad I did it.

But yeah, taking off 9 months didn’t hurt me at all. I adjusted to working again with no problem. And now 20 years later I’m still working and I plan to ride this job out until they fire me or I drop in my tracks from fatigue which is very likely.


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