I slept very well last night, it was not so hot

Temperature was below 15 C and it was nice and cool and I slept very well. It was nice to wake up and have a cup of coffee. Today I am going to ride my bicycle to the market place. They probably have some music there. It is going to be a sunny day below 20 C. I like it when it is not so hot.


Do you ride your bike everyday? You must be very fit!?

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I gained some weight in the last winter and I have not been able to lose it yet. Yes, I ride my bicycle a lot. We have good bicycle paths and I also ride in winter when it is freezing. I ride when it is above +30C and when it is below -20C.


You ride when it’s below -20c, haha that’s crazy. It must be freezing hell.

I don’t have a bike myself. They always steal them from me so I quit buying them.

I need to lose weight myself but the negatives keep me on the couch.

Do you have negatives symptoms?

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It got up to like 42C during our last heatwave. Suddenly, 28C doesn’t feel so bad :rofl:


I feel sometimes depressed, but I think that exercising helps. Exercising is good for sz people.


Yeah I know. I need to stop making excuses and start moving my ass.

I really need physio for my back because I’m weaker on the left side. I bought a gym membership card for 300euro two years ago and I went once. So it was just a waste of money!

Where in Finland do you live?


Just in Finland, Finland is a big country with not so many people. There are many places in Finland where I have not yet visited.


Ok! Well I wish you a good day! I hope you find something interesting at the marketplace. I myself am going to the store, I need to buy breakfast and lunch. :wink: näkemiin.


I hope you have a nice day. Cycling sounds good. Be careful of the cars that’s my only advice. Do you wear a helmet?

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Yes, I wear a helmet. It is already the afternoon here. I went to the market place and there was some karaoke singing and people were selling their produce such as blueberries, potatoes and other farm products. I saw some people whom I knew which was good. I rode over 21 km today. It was between 15 C and 20 C, which was also nice. It should get warmer in next few days.


I went to ride my bicycle still in this evening, I rode over eight km. So today I rode close to 30 km. I do not always wear my helmet. Today I wore my US Marine Corps hat that I bought at one flea market. It was just 1.5 euros. On the net a similar hat when it is unused costs 20 euros with shipping expenses included.

This week has been cooler, but the forest fire smoke makes going out difficult. The challenge has been getting my wife to stop running the air conditioners at night. She likes it positively cold inside while she sleeps and it’s a waste of energy.

I like that too. It has been really hot here this summer.

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