I sent my crush an e-mail

My school has a message board like this one, and the girl from my tour posted that I developed a crush on! And I actually had the balls to send her an email! I hope she doesn’t think im too weird, but I left her my number and said she could text it. Hope she does. If not I may be heartbroken :heart: :arrow_backward:


I figure u miss 100% of the shots u dont take as MJ said


100% positive…!!!
love iz Universal…!!!
Good luck with it…!!!


Thanks @far_cry0

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awww :o)

So glad you did. fingers crossed!.


That’s great :slight_smile: now go and check your Phone/E-mail!

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Good for you, I wish I had the guts to do that!!

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good luck dude :smiley:

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Wow! Good luck with that. Hopefully she’s not married.

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Lol! I think she’s like 20. She’s from Cali and moving to Washington for a fresh start so I hope not!!!

I said we should be friends…didn’t say “WANNA BE MY GIRLFRIEND” so I made it non intrusive

It seemed she liked me a lot on the tour


Good luck bro hope she texts you. If not her lose man your a good dude

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Thanks that means a lot ! Kind words

Nothing ventured nothing gained
At least you grabbed the opportunity
Good luck!

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If I don’t hear back from her in a day could I text her (she left her cell number) and say “check your messages on the forum! If you’re not interested I completely understand. But thought I’d give you the benefit of the doubt”

Cuz I’m not sure how long it’ll take for her to sign back on

Or is that too pushy/desperate sounding

Sometimes you gotta be pushy, but I struggle doing it with women

Wow that took guts to do! Well done TTP. I hope she contacts you and something sweet develops!

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Damn it I got a text message thought it was from her I got sooo nervous for a second but it wasn’t her

False alarm folks!


Ha, that excitement :smiley: need to get me a crush as well… I would wait with the text message a few days btw. Then again, when it comes to women you’d probably have more luck doing everything opposite to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks! That’s one my mom said too…so I guess that’s what I’ll do :slight_smile:

My mom also told me if she doesn’t respond in a couple days then “keep it simple”

Like say “just saying hi, this is Jon. Check your messages on the forum!” Because my other message was “setting me up for failure”