Psh tons of women are Star Wars fans. I’ve been playing SWTOR lately, myself.
I think it just used to be less socially acceptable for women to be geeks, but that doesn’t mean we’re not hiding in the woodwork lol. And that social judgement is changing these days, too. I’ve even met tons of women in World of Wacraft.
There are probably some secret women, I would bet dollars to doughnuts. Sometimes women won’t reveal themselves as such in a nerd environment because they don’t want any weird attention. In my experience most guys are very chill but what happens sometimes is that a woman will get accused of getting special treatment just because she is a woman, this happens a lot in gaming. So in order to avoid this in many cases women will go undercover in order to fit in better.
It’s possible, but the overall impression I get there as a result, is that star wars is mostly a male geek thing. That particular forum I visit is very very very geeky. Above and beyond the normal level.
I don’t play video games, which is just as well, as I’d never leave something like SWTOR!