I saw 90% of SZs dont work

saw an article about it, I wonder if that has anything to do with my voices being so bad. i work a part time job about 20 hours a week at a deli. Its not to bad im pretty good at my job, but when im at work the voices and my anxiety are really bad. I dont know how i get through the days sometime, i just do my best to ignore it the best i can. i have to work because my parents want me to, they dont want me to sit home all day and do nothing. But im pretty sure work could be a part of why voices are so bad…


What meds are you on??

Do you feel stressed at work?

5 mg of risperdal and hyroxizine. Yes when ever you work there is going to be stress involved. I work the night shift and have to close the deli by myself and also help customers, so ya its stressful i guess, but what really makes it stressful is hearing the voices. I think the job would be fine if i didnt also have to hear the voices while im working…

Well, I really can’t give you any solid advice. I hear voices myself and no med has helped. Keeping stress at bay is adamant. As soon as I get stressed I get positives.

What meds have you tried?

Just because someone doesn’t pay taxes or hold a job on paper doesn’t mean they don’t work. They can contribute in other ways

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I work about 20 hrs as well but I shouldnt be. My voices are pretty mild.y bigger issue is delusions and negatives plus other mental disorders that affect my ability to work.

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Try l-theanine or gabapentin for anxieties. com

I haven’t worked for 8 or 9 years. I’m looking for work now because I’ve been so stable for so long. But I do get auditory disturbances when I’m stressed so I may not be able to handle working. I’ll just have to try it to find out. As far as you are concerned I think you might want to explained to your parents your difficulty with working. Maybe they’ll understand.

I haven’t worked for twenty years
I had temp admin jobs but always walked out because of paranoia and voices
I have done lots voluntary work and done college courses

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Stick to the job as long as you can. It’s the best therapy, having colleagues, getting out of the house.

Unfortunately I burned out at the age of 52 and had to give up working, but I miss having a job.

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What type of college did you go to??

I wanna go back to a 4 year school as A non matriculating student for 2 courses of interest. Maybe anthropology and poetry. And then work my way to a degree seeking student from there. But not sure how my age 31 fits in with what I can and should do.

This is a state school with very intriguing classes. I took a course there once before in summer and liked it.

I’m thinking about this now… but wanted some persons opinions on it.

I’ve worked but I think I’d be better off living life in an enriching university experience than dead end painful job for now…

At least give it a try

Is it an ok idea :bulb: I’m doing nothing right now

My parents say 4 year because I already have like 80 credits so a 2 year becomes mundane

I did btec level 3 business and admin successful
Then I went to local university to do two Year management degree but only managed the first year due to schizophrenia
I hope to do low level computer course
I recommend going college should keep you busy and good for cv

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İm working since 7 years without any problem.all i can say is hardest part keep your job while fight against your anxiety and delusions.

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I held my last job for 5 years: first 3 years full-time and the last 2 years were part-time. I haven’t been working for a couple of months now. It’s due to a combination of symptoms, but my biggest issue is poor cognitive functioning. My schizoaffective & fibromyalgia both cause cognitive issues. I really struggle with that.

The 90% of schizophrenics of whom do not work is an accurate percentage. The internal voices, the medication, self-motivation and many other factors contribute to this high percentage of unemployed schizophrenics. Out of the 4 social classes in a social economic class society of the upper class, middle class and lower class, schizophrenics are ranked below lower class as the underclass.

also from a spiritual standpoint the sick and suffering are already doing their work which is to endure their sickness. it could happen to anyone. its hard enough so theyre doing their fair share on this earth. you wouldnt put a soldier who got shot back out on the front lines and you certainly wouldnt make him feel like a coward cause he cant fight.

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do you collect disability benefits? what are your thoughts on that if you do? could u get benefits?

i also close a deli twice a week. that’s my job.

yes also get disability, so im lucky i do have some spending room but only because i also live with my parent. i give them money each month but not for rent its to save encase i need it. I couldnt afford to live on my own even with the disability and job cause rent is so high here in NY. They just increased the minimum wage from 8 hr to 15 hr so that is nice, im making minimum wage but now make 15hr. But even with that cant afford to live on my own, it sucks…

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I’m on disability because I can no longer work.
My psychiatrist wholeheartedly agrees.

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I just had to quit my part-time job, due to my symptoms. I liked the job (janitor) at first, but I became way too anxious and paranoid to keep up with it. I give major props to any schizophrenics who work, even if it’s just part-time. It’s tough.