If I have 5 spoons, then somebody throwns 3 spoons, somebody turns a spoon in a knife, then a box with 200 spoons arrives, then the half of these spoons are turned into keys and the other half is sent to Mars, and they somehow came back but the double, how many spoons I have?
According to my calculations…u will have 1 knive 3 throwns spoons 100 keys and 204 spoons??
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This is way way more than my brain can take.
Nope, the answer is that I have 5 spoons as I said in the beginning, the other spoons are unrelated to me, they’re not connected. It’s a tricky word game
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I don’t understand “came back but the double”.
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Lol but what about the ones u sent to the moon?
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These are the ones that came in the box, and they’re not mine. I’m sorry if it’s hard, I’m from Argentina and we have different speeches
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- Lolol 15151515
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I believe 5???
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Ohh 5??? 1515151516
Tricky brain teaser, nice.
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