Hey folks. I am thinking about changing my username, at least temporarily. I keep getting tags and messages asking for help with mod-related things. I don’t mind it, but I no longer have the power. If I change my name, people will no longer be able to tag ninjastar for help with things, and anyone who tag my new name will remember that I am not a mod anymore.
The only problem is, I have been ninjastar so long I don’t know what else I would be called. Does anyone have suggestions?
(Oh, and if you are one of the people who has asked me for modly favors, please know you are not the only one. It happens 2 or 3 times a week. It’s an honest mistake, and there are no hard feelings.)
Your name was so cool to me. When I was a teenager me and my friends used to go to our local martial arts store and buy ninjastars and play with them in our neighborhood. My old garage door used to have so many little slots in it from me throwing stars at it. I would love to own and throw an Iridescent star like your username pic.