In the past two weeks I’ve done cocaine and ecstasy it was a good time but I’m worried it will exacerbate my symptoms and I want to stop for good I’ve also been taking some fake Xanax bars too
AA, CA and NA worked for me. They’re free and work for a lot of people. You don’t have to hit bottom to get clean and sober, addiction and alcoholism can be arrested at any time. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using and drinking.
I’ve heard NA And AA are very religious not sure if it would work for me
Dude all that stuff gets stepped on with God knows what esp X and all of it is going to F with your psych program. You can’t expect any type of stability at all if you’re using.
“AA is a spiritual program, not a religious one.” A lot of people get scared away because they think it’s religious. It’s not a religion and it’s not religious.You don’t have to have a religion or believe in god to get clean in AA, CA or NA. They do strongly suggest you believe in a higher power of your own understanding. This could mean you just believe in some power greater than yourself that is “out there”. You can make your higher power anything you want. The cliche is you can make it a doorknob if you want to. AA does not require you to go to church. I’ve been clean since 1990, I was in AA the first four years without a higher power. Believe me, I am not religious at all and I had a problem with believing in a higher power air first but eventually with the help of a good sponsor I formed my own idea of a higher power greater than myself.
I’m an athiest and AA has kept me sober for nearly 30 years. Whenever you hear GOD think “Group of Druggies” (that’s in your case, I think Drunks). When you’re praying to GOD, what you’re really doing is asking your group for support and strength. You and I can’t pull a car up a hill by ourselves. Tie a rope to it and get twenty more people, we can do it with our combined strength. 12 Step programs can work for people of any faith or no faith.
Good luck!
I don’t know everything about this subject but I think You have to replace the activity somehow. For me, just quitting was never good enough.
That’s why a lot of people go to AA. It’s a replacement therapy. I personally take a med called naltrexone. As long as I take my naltrexone each day I’m
Very lucky and kicking/living strongly. But that’s just me. But it seems now im reliant to the naltrexone. Instead of the booze, lsd and shrooms anymore.
But Replacement therapy like I said.
It’s more than the naltrexone for me. But you need something that’s gonna keep you balanced and sane.
Addiction is literally insanity. I mean you taking fake Xanax. That’s a lil unusual. Not even real
Xanax?? Well I’ve got fake drugs before and did the whole bag anyways. Also thrown a few fake bags out. But You gotta calm that drive to always be high that happens in your brain. I’ve been there. Nature is helpful. Aa can be helpful. And the meds I take have been helpful for me.
Also peoples places and things. Not put yourself in bad triggering situations.
It helped me at first to count days sober. Until I realized counting days sober wasn’t for me.
Addiction recovery rarely ever really happens immediately.
You gotta feel yourself out for what’s gonna help you most.
If it means going to AA??? I mean Do you wanna keep doing pseudo Xanax. Sorry to bring up again but Can imagine that sounds pretty risky) Or try something that can help you heal. Just saying you gotta get out there take risks. Sober risks though. But you staying home and doing exactly what you’re doing all the same. You’ll never break the habit that way. Just some advice.
There’s also a smart recovery meetings. Not any relationship with god there.
You gotta make changes. Maybe go to the gym and white knuckle it. You gotta know yourself better. Addiction is the root of a loss of identity so it’s tough sometimes. But to know yourself is a circumventional way of helping the problem a little. It’s a long road ahead for any addict. It Doesn’t just go away over night you gotta learn and constantly make adjustments. If you really need you can enter a program. Maybe you don’t need that right now but there no shame if you can afford financially and lifestyle wise.
Any questions or concerns I’m here and others here for u too.
Cocaine is a dopamine agonist and antipsychotics are the opposite, antagonists. So you’re basically cancelling out the benefits of your meds. I never tried illegal drugs and will never do but I tried weed as its legal here, it made me psychotic for a day eventhough I was on working meds and was psychosis free.
I think @77nick77 has a great suggestion. He has experience with it.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions I might try NA. I’m also about to start seeing a therapist every two weeks and that should help as well.
Fake Xanax bars are pretty prevalent now a days if you buy Xanax on the street 90% chance it’s fake. They press it with some benzo it’s nothing that could kill you but obviously it’s really bad for you
The important thing is that you get clean. How you get clean isn’t that big of a deal. Good luck man.
I hadn’t done cocaine and ecstasy for a long time like years. Same with the Xanax it’s just been a recent thing I think I could stop on my own if I try. If I can’t I’ll try NA.
Did you try for no reason? Boredom? Recklessness?
My trigger for substance was kind of any emotional extreme.
I wasn’t an addict but I’d go long periods without trying stuff then I’d cave and do it if I was depressed or manic or feeling impulsive and needing to do some reckless activity.
You need to find stuff like an activity thats healthier to replace what your looking for
I was just being Impulsive I was on vacation and met up with and old friend who had an 8 ball we did it all night. Then I got home and was craving some so I asked this dealer and she said no but she had ecstasy and Xanax. This isn’t a normal thing for me and it’s been years since I’ve done any of this I’m ready to stop but even with all the medication I’m on the ecstasy feels amazing strong urge to do it again but I’m trying not to.
What helped you last time?. That’s def a relapse. But u best to nip it in the bud before it gets more serious.
PS definitely Do not do mdma if you’re on any SSRIs. Just straight up no never zilch zero. You may be lucky the first one time but you can seriously die from it. Due to serotonin syndrome. I’m not sure if you are. But one of my biggest peeves is people who take mixes of meds and drugs without researching it first. Maybe you aren’t doing that. Just a warning /precaution from a veteran serotonin molecule booster ‘fan’
You’re going to have to ditch your old friends who are still using if you want to stay clean. There’s no other option here. Asking them not to use around you won’t work as these are generally people who can’t stand it if you clean up so they will purposefully put you at risk.
I just can’t man this guys the uncle of one of my best friends who died of a drug overdose. He’s fun to hang out with and I could always say I don’t want any. I hope I stay in contact with him forever. We used to all hang out, him and I and a group of three close friends (one of which died which was his nephew) known the guy for over a decade not cutting him off
Well, enjoy continual relapses.
I only see him once a year and like I said I could say I can’t do it and just let him and his wife get geeked.