I need to drink less

i added up about 2 hrs of drinks last night and it was around 100 ounces. idk how much im drinking in a day but i would prob guess about 1.5-2 gallons. so i looked up about drinking so much and i knew it was dangerous but since i been doing it for about 14 years i wasnt really worried. but i read the reaction can be random and u can get water poisoning at any time even if u never got it before. im gonna try to limit myself to 100oz a day but i would really rather have 144oz a day as my limit but i read that is too much too. i think maybe this is part of why my heart skips beats and does weird stuff.


and i got a headache in the middle of the night that i still have after pain killers and i think that might happen when i drink too much too fast

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144 oz is too much.

Ideally, you should be drinking around 100 oz (3L) of water a day.



@irrelevant What happens if a person drinks too much water? I think I drink about the same amount as you. I get dry mouth from meds. Plus I just keep sipping it all day nonstop.

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You actually end up dehydrating yourself if you drink to much water. Reason is you pee out all your electrolytes.

Hydration is not just about water. It’s the proper balance of water and electrolytes. If you drink too much you throw that balance off.

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your electrolytes can drop and u can have a heart attack or ur brain can swell. it can be deadly

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Thanks for the info @POET and @irrelevant

Appreciate it!

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Same here…
About 14 litres per day


I drink constantly throughout the day, too, mostly diet sodas and Crystal Light. I use an electrolyte powder once a day mixed into the Crystal Light to ensure my electrolytes are good. I also drink one Ensure a day to make sure I get enough protein and minerals since I don’t eat much. I got the idea of the electrolyte powder cuz my dog needed some doggy electrolytes when she had diarrhea and I found out that they also make it for people. I also check whenever I have labs to make sure those parameters are good.

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thats a ton. how long u been doing that?


Mixing alcohol with painkillers is very hard on your mind and body. You could be tipping towards a downhill slide. Be careful.

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I’ve been where you are. I had six years of sobriety, but then I messed up. Now I have about two or three months of sobriety. My biggest enemy is what they call “euphoric recall”. I also have a lot of bad memories to help me stay in line.

i mean drinks as in water and stuff. i dont drink alcohol


Oh. That’s a relief. Keep on keepin’ on!

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