That I am unable to work
Good luck with that. I hope you get it. Try not to stress too much about it.
Yes I stress a bit
I was honest at my disability receive. I told them I haven’t got anything wrong with me and that social services are stealing my money. I did have a lot of evidence and support from my paid support team. I was only in 10 minutes and was successful.
Most people don’t understand that it takes a lot of bad chemicals, to make you hallucinate and they think you can do anything in that state
Be honest with them about the severity of your symptoms and how treatment resistant your brain is. Now is not the time to be humble or try to act normal.
Tell them exactly how engulfed you are in your delusions, maybe even print out some of your less coherent threads from here and show them what your brain is capable of doing to you.
No offense but if you just act like yourself you’ll be approved. You clearly have symptoms and have challenges. I honestly think you’ll get it. Try not to worry.
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