She was really hard on me. She was challenging delusions and talking about divergent thinking. I think challenging me can be good, but I guess it was the way she did it. I was a hard appointment to get through
I hate a therapist who isnt relaxed.
After all. They just there to talk to
My pdoc tries to use logic against delusions.
But nothing really helps. I have grandiose beliefs and captain beefheart’s mustache intertwined with my brain neurons
I see my therapist in 30 minutes. She’s kinda timid. Moreso than I am. I appreciate her timidity as I wouldn’t want someone so in my face about stuff. She still challenges beliefs but in a respectful manner.
@Jonnybegood I wish mine was more like yours.
I had a pushy as ■■■■ support worker once. Total personality clash
Yeah @anon94176359, I’m thinking this might be a personality clash. But I feel like I shouldn’t give up on it yet just in case she does help me.
I can say for sure I have had therapists who caused more harm than good. Therapy is just another form of treatment. All treatment has side effects.
My therapist works with me and tries to logically explain to me why certain things I believe aren’t likely. It doesn’t make it any less real to me but it’s something to consider I guess. She’s not really pushy, though. Maybe giving your s another chance is a good idea. Maybe she will relax some or her approach will help you. If not, maybe you could request another one, if that’s possible.
She’s probably testing you to see who you are. Don’t take it personally
I just don’t know that the tough love approach works for me. I was really put off by her attitude towards me. But then I feel like I’m not giving her a chance as this was the only time we met.
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