I’m worried about my cat

I went to my room where my cat usually sleeps and I quickly noticed that she’s keeping her left eye closed.
It’s been like this for a while although at times she opens it again for a short while until she closes it again.
Her other eye is open and normal.
She has a vet appointment next week but if her eye doesn’t get better by tomorrow I’m taking her to the vet sooner than next week.
I wonder what happened?
Poor thing, I hope she’ll be ok.

I’d take her to the vet today but we are expecting a major snowstorm.

@anon4362788 @anon55031185


Has your cat been outside at all?

Does it look swollen?

Once my dog was doing that,

Took her to the vet and she had a foxtail in her eye.

Poor thing.

There may be something in there.

Is there a lot of watering?


No she’s strictly an indoor cat @Charles_Foster

She has no swelling or redness, no tearing.

Just a squinty eye

I’m thinking that maybe she scratched her eye

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I think that’s possible.

She hasn’t been trying to mess with it at all?


No she’s not messing with her eye at all

It’s strange



Maybe one of the members you tagged will join in.

They have cats.

I think it’s good to have a vet appointment,

But it doesn’t seem super, super urgent,

So I wouldn’t feel bad about not being able to take her today.

Good luck with it all.


Thanks @Charles_Foster
I worry about things in general but especially about her.
Yeah my dad isn’t worried, maybe it’s a minor issue.

But if she’s not better in a couple of days I’ll call the vet.

Thanks again

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Kitty cats get runny eyes sometimes. Hope the vet helps her.


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Thanks @ThePickinSkunk

My dog has done, and is currently doing the same thing and the eye is red. I use Vetericyn Plus antimicrobial ophthalmic gel in her eye when it happens and it clears up in a few days.

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I’m afraid that I’m going to have a problem putting medicine in her eye.
She’s a very skittish cat and doesn’t like to get picked up or held.
I don’t know how I’m going to manage this

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Honestly, it could be anything from dirt to hair to a scratch. You can gently wash the outside with warm water washcloth, but I wouldn’t do anything else. Only a vet can check properly. I’m sorry.


Yeah I used a clean moist tissue and gently brushed her eye with it.
Thanks @anon4362788

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Just so you know, even a scratch can heal quickly. Getting the antibiotics in will be the toughy.

IF she even needs them. If it is dirt or hair it should come out with tears in eyes and blinking.

Not a cat, but my daughter got an eye scratch from a blackberry bush and it healed within days.


I’m sorry to hear about your daughter but good to know she healed fast


I have a cat that gets this often we get eye drops from the vet and it clears it up

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Ok thanks @Rainstorm

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My cat seems to be doing much better this morning.
Her eye is in good shape so far.
She’s no longer squinting.

Thanks @anon4362788 @Charles_Foster @irrelevant @Rainstorm @ThePickinSkunk



wrong thread.


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