I went to my room where my cat usually sleeps and I quickly noticed that she’s keeping her left eye closed.
It’s been like this for a while although at times she opens it again for a short while until she closes it again.
Her other eye is open and normal.
She has a vet appointment next week but if her eye doesn’t get better by tomorrow I’m taking her to the vet sooner than next week.
I wonder what happened?
Poor thing, I hope she’ll be ok.
I’d take her to the vet today but we are expecting a major snowstorm.
My dog has done, and is currently doing the same thing and the eye is red. I use Vetericyn Plus antimicrobial ophthalmic gel in her eye when it happens and it clears up in a few days.
I’m afraid that I’m going to have a problem putting medicine in her eye.
She’s a very skittish cat and doesn’t like to get picked up or held.
I don’t know how I’m going to manage this
Honestly, it could be anything from dirt to hair to a scratch. You can gently wash the outside with warm water washcloth, but I wouldn’t do anything else. Only a vet can check properly. I’m sorry.