I’m starting to really improve a lot at rapping

Was listening to some old songs I made they’re good but with my new ear I see the flow is much better now in my songs. Also I can feel the lyrics coming More intricate and easy to do these days. I just think I have a good thing/original style going for me and if I keep at it I can succeed in like two years or give or take based on how fast I’m improving. Listening to tons of rap with my “new mind” helps me improve better than anything. Never totally understood the lyrics except songs I heard 100+ times but now I understand most on the first few listens and if I don’t I look it up on genius. I guess I’m getting smarter and It’s coming easier.

Post new song lets listen homeslice

Idk the best song I’ve made recently I probably can’t post here. I posted this here the other day but here it is again. It starts out slow but tells a story.

Currently don’t have a microphone or fancy equipment or anything at all besides my dell laptop and so it’s bad quality but I figure in two years or so I can take it to a studio and make high quality stuff. When I’m ready.

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Yea i like it man

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