Think this could be my first bit. Know I posted it before. I don’t want it to blow up. But cmon it’s dope af. Even when I’m sane.
Maybe getting it pro-mixed is really the key to it
Hey man, you can really tell it’s been promix. Nice job
Gives me a lot of hope. Jaytay Is a beaasst. Don’t need a studio just need $30 mixing for now. Jaytay I said I couldn’t tip him but I would if I had the money and no fraud on my bank account and i actually had access to money at the time. But he said it was cool. He loved the song. Thank you cragger
I might just get back into music earlier than I thought. Still a lil break tho. Ha I’ll be back at it tonight at 6 pm I assume
@Enlightenedbeing if it’s ever time for you to check out a song of mine. This is it !
The rapping was pretty dope as usually. The piano was panned pretty left and had lots of room reverb on it - not saying it is bad - the song delivered pretty well. The drums and especially the claps coulda snap more a tad maybe. The thing is, it depends what you’re after in the soundwise. The good thing about your sounds in this track is, that your rap standed out well, which is important in this genre. The instruments were kinda old-schoolish sounding and that’s probably what you were after. Anyway, keep it up bro!
Definitely what I’m after haha.
I’m in love with the boom bap
Hey that should be my next song title
Thanks for listening
Gosh I HATE rap!!!
Dang but u gotta admit this HITS right…for rap
You sure you not still manic?
definitely not manic just chatty a lil…when i get manic my perception is distorted
i seem to be making sense no
Not liking rap will not be allowed in my kingdom.
I’m on a good one bro.
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