Anyone thinking the same?
Me too! 15151515
i’m not functional off meds and not on meds.
but more functional maybe… a bit… prob not much
I am a bit more functional overall on meds. Off meds I get a period of being more functional than normally but I often end up in trouble bcz of my paranoia, mostly fighting and threatening my brothers bcz I start thinking that they are stealing my energy and are causing my sz, paranoia, etc
Off meds I am, my mood, like a bomb that can explode anytime.
Do u need meds for life?
most of us prob do yea…
including me ?
Yes, I ended up in mental hospital everytime I stopped my meds. Also could have ended up in prison or jail.
i don’t know… you need to get stabilized first and then later you can see if you can taper off the meds… and if that doesn’t work then you prob need them for life. But right now can’t really say that huh
Am I unstable? I don’t think I am
i don’t know… you still looking for the right doses of meds right?
yeah cuz im still paranoid
yea that’s ok… you’ll find right dose eventually huh. But paranoia will always be around a bit i think you have to expect. I feel ok on my meds but i still get paranoid now and then.
R u paranoid on meds
yea i get paranoid regularly still.
Thats no good
you kinda get used to it… it’s annoying but it used to be worse i always think.
my meds has a calming effect.
but i still have to ”tell myself” to be normal everyday.