Im freaking out cos I’m hearing music. Either there really is music or it’s time for a med increase.
Off meds I heard prayers. Apparently I was dead.
I hear music all the time. I don’t “freak out” over it. If a hallucination or delusion doesn’t bother me or torture me, I see no reason for my pdoc to mess with my meds @anon25873142
I don’t worry unless the music hallucination is ongoing and continuous, nonstop.
Increase! find the best med best wishes @anon25873142
Just accept it. Fighting it just makes it louder or more apparent.
It can’t hurt you but it might annoy you
Maybe cuz I didn’t take meds for so long I have a different mindset about what needs more medicine.
Maybe once you relax about the idea of hearing music it might even be some nice tunes
My mum heard it too. It was the neighbours.
Hearing music was my most common hallucination.
I also heard voices of people I know in real life when they were not around, but I knew it was just a hallucination and I never had any delusions about it.
I have have experienced both auditory and visual hallucinations of/from people I don’t know, but very rarely, and always medication related.
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