I use seroquel as a binge drug, since it looses it’s efectiveness in 4 to 5 days; stay off it a week or so, then do a bottle of wine, alka selzer cold, melatonin, atarax, singulair, and 1 to 2 hundred mg of seroquel, that’ll put me down for a night or two.
Because I do this I have been able to narrow down that the music is a side effect of the antipsychotic, for me. It becomes less controllable.
Had this feature of madness for decades, so I noticed a few things about it, see if this stuff rings true:
I think you’re right, this is not the stuff people are talking about when a song gets stuck in their head.
For one thing it happens first thing in the morning.
Here’s an amazing feature of it:
If I didn’t get enough sleep, i wake up with the tune that was last playing yesterday or most significant (sometimes a powerful melody will overwhelm a jingle even when it wasn’t the most recent thing you heard),
but if i did get enough sleep, it resets, not to blank quiet, of course, but rather to a default melody. Was london bridges falling down for me, must be right outta infancy, that was my default song for twenty years up to college, now it’s occasionally my default song but it’s more likely a second default that came along in my 20’s (now 47), this was a riff I was playing on an electric guitar, think i wrote it, very simplistic, but there it is, new default stuck melody.
One other phenomena - a year ago i was on the seroquel every day for months, and the music got really annoying, just exhausting in that it wouldn’t stop at all ever, and it costs energy and sanity, and i had gotten it stuck on some evil heavy metal stuff; i was powerless to stop it - it’s like an allergy, once it gets past a certain severity it’s not gonna stop no matter what you do till you get some sleep - but i found i could alter the melody to anything else, so i picked silent night, thinking dammit if this is demons singing party songs atleast i’ll stick em with that.
That worked, and all summer, i remember riding the bike over overpasses and switching from whatever nonsense in my head to silent night, manually giving it a few lines and then letting that run. Next best thing to a cure.
One other thing seems to work, but it’s a minute to minute effort - i find that if my mind is singing, it’s not listening to my breath, which is there for me, to be listened to and understood. the monkey of mind is bored and looking to the brain damage of music for dopaminerigic indulging, and the horse of will is at his beck and call, more so after some seroquel usage, but when off the stuff for a while, I can get the monkey and the horse tied up, won’t let them sing, won’t let them chew the lip which is the other thing they used to do but i’ve got that tamed right now, no, you get them all tieddown and they can’t move, then the self gets cultivated. frozen, frozen in the snowfall of nonaction, the monkey and the horse, wondering if they’ll freeze to death, and transmuted, and hey this magical thikning is all firing away harmlessly, but i know i know, sympomatic to say the least…
And then when I switched to seroquel as binge drug, i noticed the severity of the music coincides with residue of seroquel usage.
tonight it’s 231 am and i don’t intend to even try to sleep, used seroquel last couple of nights, no longer effective, bugs crawling all over me, demons in my veins, sleep useless, coming out to see the universe…
babble, just babble, that’s what the universe goes on and on about all night.; better than listening to music that isn’t playing though!!!