On my own I detoxed without any help. I got rid of 160 mg Ziprasidone and 100 mg Clopixol and 300 mg Quterapine. I don’t think that psychiatry’s any better or worse in Denmark than other places on the globe.
Well then I got rid of my mental worker aswell as my shrink.
Tapering was really hard but I did that all by myself.
Now I’m finally where I wanna be.
Honestly. I got a bit lucky on two continents but I’m pretty vocal and always have looked for better function. That means a lot of med changes in my life…some really good and some horribly bad but having a doctor who knows you and your symptoms really does help.
Yeah. I’ve researched all the meds but I’ve got some really good suggestions from my shrink on them too. Was nervous about taking zyprexa but it’s been a great med for me and after coming to the old website and seeing the horror stories I was amazed…
That is the thing. It’s not an easy process as we are all different and what works for you won’t work for me. Good you feel your there but truly we change over time and things like stress can make profound differences to your treatment and symptoms.
Don’t sell yourself short in treatment so keep your options open and maybe get another psydoc!
Mr hope nothing annoys me anymore and I’m not hallucinating or paranoid and I’ve got no side effects I cannot live with.
Please keep in mind that the 600 mgs qutiapine = 23 mg Zyprexa wich is considered a very very large dose
Rouger Two. I just want to add that my mom has been in treatment with 25 mg of Zyprexa the last 4. Years and that really helped here.
Even though that I’ll always will feel tempted I’ll do what I can to take my 4 pills.
There’s reasons the shrinks get paid the big bucks and all’s I’m saying is it’s worthwhile finding one who is decent.
Doing this by yourself really isn’t sane policy in my world and I guess others too.
Glad your doing well and got to your goals but I appreciate a bit of medical intervention. I know nothing about a lot of medical conditions and although I know a lot about psychiatry I hold inherent bias towards that whole subject…
Getting anothers opinion on how your doing isn’t a bad thing.
My mental worker took away the shrink from me and left me so I don’t think a shrink is any option.
But I feel really well on my two antipsychotic pills and two side effect pills. So it’s doesn’t really matter that I don’t have a shrink.