I’m a dependent

I’m dependent on others. I honestly don’t think I can handle taking care of myself and it makes me sad.

I used to be more independent and even lived on my own at 16-19 years old. But since then (I’m 44) I’m just not able. I’m too scared and can’t handle the stress. It makes me feel hopeless


A few years ago I was utterly dependent on my husband for everything. I had myself believing I couldn’t do anything on my own. He went to my pdoc appointments. He went to my therapy appointments. He did the cleaning, he even did my laundry. He accompanied me to the store. I went nowhere alone. I was seldom left alone and would suffer anxiety when he was gone. I felt ill. I felt myself disappear. I used my last little piece of me to leave. I left for 9 months and it changed everything. I had to learn to do everything for myself again. Now I’m living on my own and doing many things alone. I had the strength within me the whole time I just didn’t know it.


Idk what I will do after my parents die. I guess I will force myself to live independently.


I could live independently if I had to. I’ve done it before and can do it again. It’s just a bit of a stretch on disability. I think you would be surprised what you can do if necessary Pianogal.


U shouldn’t feel hopeless. Nothing wrong with being dependent if you need it right now. We all rely on others at some point(s) in our lives. If you don’t, you’re doing it wrong.

I think I have every excuse for being dependent the first x amount of years Of my life. Actually I think now that I’ve gotten rid of (hopefully) one dependence in my marijuana dependence eventually I can find independence wholesomely on my own. It’s just too early rn. Even if you’re with your husband forever you can still gain more independence —-peace


I lived alone for 1-2yrs but it was when I stopped meds for 2yrs. I guess I can do it again.


Yes I understand you @CoCo
This is my problem too.

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@Leaf, I’m glad you are able to take care of yourself. That’s a big deal.

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Thanks @CoCo

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In my 61 years of living, there was only a 5 year stretch of time where I was completely independent and not financially dependent on anyone or anything else. The rest of the 56 years I was either dependent upon my parents, husband, lover, the military or the government.

I can’t handle the stress and pressure of responsibility apparently.


If I am still alive when my mom dies I don’t know how I will cope. I’m so close to her and live with her. My sister told me that she would give me to the state! Even if she was joking it really hurt me. That’s why I am trying to become self dependent as possible now.


Just because you are an dependent that doesn’t mean you can’t make some kind of contribution. Maybe volunteer work. Maybe help a friend or relative look after their kids when they want to go out. Maybe just plant a few flowers. That might make someone happy.


I’m dependent to the extent that my stepdaughter was with me at my yearly care act assessment , and agreed to do a ‘on the spot’ carer’s assessment. The years after my wife died up until moving here were ones of increasing self neglect. I’m one of those who does quite well forum participation wise, but not so well when it comes to ADLs. There are very probably those here who are the opposite, who struggle with forum participation but are much better at ADLs.


aw I used to be dependent too…I guess I am dependent on my gf…I don’t do well alone.

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My friend, we’re all of us dependent on others. We’re a social species and we need community. We’re not meant to do everything on our own. “No man is an island”, as they say.

It’s okay to need others. We all do. :heart:


i’m dependent too … need my parents for everything but i do some things when they ask me if it’s possible. I pay they though… and my mum gets extra money from healthcare to take care of me.

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I’m glad your mom helps you, and I’m glad she gets a wage for it.

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I can live independently, i even lived independently while psychotic. It was a $hitshow but i did. Im living with my parents and sister right now but that will only be for 5 years max


I’m a dependent mentally and financially schizophrenia speaking. I wish I had come from money or something or had programming skills and had money before i got sick or more work credits…but no. I’m stuck with this life.

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What do you need to change in order to live independently again?