I like mom and dad's new house

In regards to your other thread I don’t think you should move away now that you’ll be renting your own place. Your parents sound awesome. I think you’ll enjoy having them close by while having your own space.


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When I went back to China for 2 months’ vacation, my parents paid all the bills for me, and they even paid my daughter’s bill. Sometimes I felt ashamed with that, but the reality is my losing the ability to work.

I will keep finding a job though.

Yeah. I’ve been gone because my phone which I use to get on the internet is dead. I’m using my dads phone right now. I don’t know when I’ll be getting a new phone. Might be a while.

You can search the youtube to see how to repair the phone. It is easy.

Total dream of mine to travel to China. Awesome language. Awesome architecture. Awesome funny looking mountains. Yeah!

yeah it should be nice. if i get lonely i can just go over there and hang out for awhile. also mom said she’s looking forward to getting her new kitchen and doing a lot of cooking. she said she’ll invite me over for dinner. which is nice because i usually just go with a frozen dinner. i only really cook once a day.

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Actually I did a diagnostic test on my phone and found out that the battery is permanently dead. They’re sending me a new phone via mail.

I think the Guanxi mountains are beautiful

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Comparing to the U.S, the living cost of China is cheaper without considering the housing price. You can plan to have a vacation there.

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Good to know the company will replace for you.

My ex-husband is from Guangxi. And I have been there several times. It is beautiful!

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Sorry @bjrpengjing

I should have said languages. I know not every Chinese speaks just Mandarin.

Oh and sorry @Lifer for terroristically derailing your thread.


that’s ok, it happens. I’ve said my piece. just happy my thread had so many replies. usually its like 10 0r 15 max.

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my dad has done most of the work as far as planning is concerned. he’s doing something for the house everyday, he stays pretty busy on it. while my mom does other things. she swims, tutors math, and now skiing season has started up again she’s doing that.


Your parents really have a decent life. admiring…

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Some Chinese people speak Mandarin and some speak Cantonese. Both dialects are called Chinese.


Mandarin is the official language. Cantonese is just one of the dialects in China. @Lifer Sorry, I’ve messed up your thread.

And we learn English as a subject at school.

they both have it pretty good. im kind of upset they retired early they would have more money if they worked another 5 or 10 years, but they have been doing pretty good with their investments and now they have a lot of free time. they both stay busy. dad has 2 or 3 church functions a week and runs a lot of errands. mom is getting into her hobbies and exercise and has been connecting with her friends. they both like to travel. they go to Denver and phoenix to visit my brother and sister and see their grandkids. sometimes we will just take a road trip. dad and I went to Michigan this summer.

Sounds nice. Do you work? I am not working. My parents are worried about my future so that they don’t dare to retire. I always felt guilty about that. They should have a decent retired life.

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Thank you for the correction @Loke

It seems that I understand that there are many dialects in China. But what does this Skunk know. He’s learning Chinese through fortune cookies. Lol