I keep feeling people don't like me

I keep feeling people dont like me when i lived with them for some time…and when i had this feeling,it probably show them that i dont like them too??Not sure about this,but i never dislike anyone for no reason and i had always been a very forgiving person in general.I am so scared i give the idea to others that i dislike them but infact i am just islolated and shy and anxious…


Do they know that you have a disease ? So there would be an explanation to your behavior. If indeed they thought you don’t like them.

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If they don´t like you ■■■■ them. You will find better people. You are bussy with a mental illness enough to not care about what people think of you.

Btw telling people that you are mentally ill is an awful idea

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Its schizophrenia which gives many social issues, I have all schizophrenia symptoms including catatonia. Explain them schizophrenia’s symptoms.

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I don’t think you owe them an explanation. Just be kind and try to remind yourself it could be paranoia when you think they don’t like you. Keep your room clean, shower regularly and don’t make messes. That’ll make you a good roommate


i feel ppl dont like me too and i know why. its cos i depersonalise due to anxiety. self care and counselling helps . do you like yourself? i dnt feel confidnt in myslf n then that is where the prblem lies.

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I get this feeling all the time … i know it comes from not liking myself so I am working on it but ira very difficult

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I kind of vacillate between feeling everybody dislikes me to feeling everybody likes me.


same feeling and thinking as you do…

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these feeling of people dont like me or paranoia is so tough to handle…to be honest i dont talk to anyone else except my wife.They probably though i dont like them or disrespect them which isnt the case

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