I just want to be married to a man

That doesn’t care if I’m pretty or ugly.

And who shares the same core values as me.

Do men like that exist?

I have no option but to hope.

Do any of u would like to be in a relationship (with your mental health) and have a family?–I mean not with me, just with someone?


I know there’s someone like that.

And if they turn out not to be like that then I have to adapt.

I hope it exists though.

It would be so nice.

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I can’t stand it when I’m with a man in a relationship who is obsessed about looks.


Yeah, blind men don’t care bout ugly/beauty. Not the answer you were looking for I guess.

Imho you tend to mate with people of the same perceived atractiveness more or less… so keep on mating @Zoe :crazy_face:

About the second point, you could write down your core values so it’s easier for you to decide (and for us to understand you)

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About me beeing in a relationship… IDK.

I realized that I tend to be the underdog in a romantic relationship… you feel me? The one that thinks, calls, messages, etc. more than the other. The one who wants to spend more time together and whatnot.

Then the power struggles happen and I’m usually the weaker side.

So… No relationship for me atm but who knows…


I mean a man who loves me the same whether I’m beautiful or ugly the next day.

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Welcome back!
As per the topic, I want a family too.

I feel like my actual family don’t value me, whereas my own children maybe would much the same with a spouse. Like me for who I am rather than what they want for me to be “expectations”

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Okay fair do.

I do have hopes for my children if I have them but maybe that’s not the same as expectations.

I hope u get to have a wonderful family life one day. Same to @dreamer54. I think it’s a beautiful thing.


Idk depends what you mean by pretty/ugly. I agree I think you should find someone who loves your soul no matter what… Your sould mate. But I think people will always care about cleanliness and things like that. Not like putting on fake nails and makeup but like, brushing hair/teeth, and general hygiene stuff.

I think it’s evolutionary tbh because women often handle children. If their not clean/ well kempt / well groomed they can pass on colds/fleas etc to their children.

So I think a guy will always want someone well kempt but not like you know need to be all done up… I think women expect the same to some degree. More about hygiene than aesthetics but the two overlap a bit. Clean looks good.

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I don’t seek sexy beauty but a healthy encounter with someone is what I desire. An encounter that increases my physical and emotional health. Someone who pushes me to be as healthy as I can be.

Nope!! I once had a super duper handsome mate in my life. It’s not true at all,
I mean… he was one of the most handsome man I ever saw. So it does not depend on that.
I mean… Every Time we attract different ppl.

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That’s an exception, not the norm.

No, it’s true. First of all I said “tend to”. Second you’re biased by your own experience.

It has been studied already.


What about all those models who are married to millionaires :grinning:


It’s hard to find our exact wants in a partner. It happens that a person who once loved and accepted us becomes sick of us in every way. Getting married also includes the prospect of separation and divorce. Just saying that finding someone who likes you enough to accept you, doesn’t mean they always will. Not trying to discourage, just encouraging a realistic expectation that your partner will vary in finding you attractive and likable over time.


I value intellectual conversation more than looks.

Im attracted to my man because he is a good thinker and protective and loyal

Im lucky i found him at 18 years old before my mh declined

We still in love


They’re using each other. One for their money. The other for their body. That’s why marriages like that always end up in divorce. It’s not love. It’s a partnership based on self interest.


Yeah they exist. But if you looking for someone that is “perfect” you aint gonna have much luck. Everyones got their own personal emotion baggage.

I would just say - maintain a relaxed approach to it all. They do turn up know and again.


You’re not ugly @Zoe. You should be able to find a man to be with.

I want a wife and kids but I just can’t afford it and can’t see myself being able to afford it anytime soon so I just look at porn sometimes.


Your confusing lust and love. Love does not necessarily mean, getting your leg over lol.

I do know what your saying tho mate.


Yeh hygiene is not a bad thing. It feels good for both parties.

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