I have decided

That food over the holiday season carries no calories. Meatballs and mashed potatoes. Nothing. Chocolate mint dreams. Nope. Dad’s homemade fudge. Nuh uh. A giant glass of egg nog. No way.
All just a gigantic calorie free two week party.


Yeah I’m not even bothering. I’m with you totally and damn it all I’m eating and drinking for pleasure this xmas!

Plan to start day after boxing day so from the 27th it’s back on the wagon! I’ll worry about it then! :slight_smile:


I wish I could eat anything. Got mad food sensitivities now, have to stick to all veg / fat free / wheat free otherwise my arthritis flares up bad.

Enjoy it for me would ya?


Ah that’s tough! Sorry you have to deal with it.
I’ll have a piece of my dad’s fudge in your honour

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Please eat some cheesecake for me!

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Will do! Cheese cake is one of my faves

That sounds like an excellent plan. Ive never really been a calory counter, although i try to eat a little better… But the holidays are a great time to take a pauze from worrying about calories…:slight_smile: 50 other weeks in the year to obsess about calories!


We’re making steak in the oven. Meatballs, cabbage with meat, some vegetables salad and bortsch.

Also we made a cookie order.

This Christmas were going to be four persons. :me, my mother, my sister and her boyfriend


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