I have been watching porn and masturbating

Goggle one week by barenaked ladies parody by club veg. It’s the first one in the video section. I can’t post the title due one specific word. That’s sort of the clue btw.

Ah…masturbation and porn are actually a worthwhile topic. Understand that even married men do this. I do it, and I have a girlfriend. She doesn’t live me with me.

Realize that it is normal and actually quite healthy to want sexual release and to look at sexually stimulating material. Sex is a basic need. Ask Abrahama Maslow.

Especially if you are physically healthy, athletic. I watch porn twice a week. What, is that scandalous? No, it’s practically a given, I’m a 21 year old male and an avid weightlifter. You love soccer and workouts, in that way we are quite similar.

I recommend reading the book “Sex and God.”


The dopamine buzz from sex is stronger than crack, in fact it is crack, it is the principle equivalent of a crack high.

So here is what you do. You give it to a bunch of young people and before you know it there are seven billion of us and it’s growing exponentially.

Irresponsible and thoughtless sex has been very damaging to the human race.

People should be more careful i think.

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masturbating is fine but having physical contact is alot better.
are there team mates on your footie team around your age that you can go out with, like a pool/snooker club or somewhere similar where therell be good atmosphere with females about. your fooball mates might even have some girl friends that you might even like


In my teens and twenties I masturbated twice a day regular as clockwork. Once when waking and another last thing at night.

However I have noticed that whilst being in my 30s I am lucky if I masterbate twice a week. Is this natural when getting older?

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A certain songs by the Vapours does come to mind first. But sure that’s not PC these days.

So instead.

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This might interest you also.


I don’t get why there is some big deal about masturbating. Sex is what the media tells us to do, and people brag about how many people they have had sex with (I GOT TO EIGHT PEOPLE THIS WEEKEND OMG) but then when someone is like “I masturbate”…yeah.

We’re floating in space on the edge of time
In a universe that we can’t define
Billions of stars in the endless night
Try and find purpose for our lives
Yet we still take the time (still take the time)
Yes we always take the time

To masturbate oohhh
To milk the snake
Girls do the taco hand shake
I’m gonna hold my sausage hostage, tonight

Wheter you’re English, French, Japanesse, or German
Whether you’re at home or at a movie with Pee Wee Herman
We all take matters into our own hands
With the five finger army we invade our pants
We’d all be doing time (yes we’d all be doing time)
If it was a crime

To Masterbate ooohhhh
To pull the hand brake
To play vagina dj
She’s gonna play country on the clitar, tonight

He burps his baby
She’s putting on a puppet show
Our genitals are Juliet
Our hands are Romeo
He chokes his chicken
She tickles her camel toe
Our genitals are Ju…

2 Hours Later

That Marisa Tomei is HOTT
Our genitals are Juliet
Our hands are Romeo

I’m gonna play ball on team ■■■■■, tonight

-Jon LaJoie

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It is interesting that none girl took part in this thread so far. Why does it have to be only a male issue? ■■■■ that double standard ■■■■. I have nothing against porn but i rather prefer movies with erotic/sexual themes such as Kubricks Eyes Wide Shut or Triers Nymphomaniac. Although its not decent substitute for sex,i do masturbate. ^-^ It is hundred percent natural pleasure :slight_smile: and cant get u preg. :slight_smile:

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