i have a lot to talk about and have never spoke to anyone who shares something similar too my experiences. i am very curious to read what you people can tell me
I would, but I can’t. this is a schizophrenic site.
I never had voices but I also used to think people could read my mind. It’s not true.
And your voice is just part of your own brain. There are plenty of people here that hear voices though.
do you see what I mean?
Just telling him the truth @Daze . People don’t read minds and voices are not separate entities.
i understand that, he himself tells me “he is me and i am him and there is no me without him and no him without me”
no i dont see what you mean what do you mean
I bet you would survive his departure
not people, but there may be some, computer generated neuro control over a brain.
but I don’t know, I’m up there, and this person may be wrong.
would have to know more.
he has left before. Months ago for a single day, in which i was unbelievably happy and wouldnt stop talking. I dont talk much if at all. He 'left" after i spoke about him a lot but then returned. i thought he was gone for good and was excited and told my then friend he was gone just for him to return the day after.
you too believe people can read your mind?
You’re new. you won’t get reception here, understanding, or belief.
better off on Facebook.
Just imagining technologies that there is no proof that they exist is not really helpful. There is no known tech that can remotely read peoples minds.
I’ll listen but respond with rationality and logic
thats understandable
Thought Broadcasting is a common delusional trait in schizophrenics.
i dont know what it could be. magic and occultism perhaps but technology feels like too much of a stretch. the fact people in my life can hear my thoughts tho is itself exactly that, a fact, at least to me. i have thought it through thoroughly over and over and cannot come to a logical conclusion that indicates it is just a fallacy ive deluded myself into; simply not possible, it is so many coincidences that it stops being coincidence at all. i no longer believe in coincidence
try the 1990s. been around a long time. maybe not reading in data, but hearing How long has this been going on, Sheri? long time.
They can not remotely read peoples thoughts yet. There is a huge difference between moving a mouse curser with your mind or moving a robotic with your thoughts and reading someones thoughts from a distance.
Maybe in 15 years.
i was attracted to this website after searching things about exactly that. i read some threads of people claiming the same thing and using terms to describe it the same way i do and want answers.