What dose of Seroquel helped you the most for negative symptoms and cognition.
Anything below 200 mg is not (usually) effective for psychosis. Will help you sleep though.
Best dose I was on was 400 mg. Made me sleep 12 hours a day though. Made me hallucinate but I would be too tired to care.
I have been on 50 mg, and that does great for my negative symptoms. BUT Im struggling with psychotic symptoms, so we will have to increase my dose. I think if I take 100 mg and don’t drink alcohol then I will be good
That’s a good idea
Ya lay off the booze
And definitely cannabis, that’s what got me
Yes I don’t do cannabis
it is illegal here in Denmark
Afaik APs don’t help with negative and cognitive symptoms. Stimulants do like Adderall, Ritalin, Strattera etc but they make psychosis worse
Was illegal here too in Canada. I did it for 10 years
It just wasn’t for me
It’s been legal here now several years but I had to quit it in order for positive symptoms to stop
Yes I don’t think cannabis works well with psychosis
Most ppl are ok, but for some it just doesn’t agree with brain chemistry, long term
I totally agree with you dear girl. Stay away from cannabis it very dangerous for us Schizos. I’ve seen how it has destroyed people’s mental health and especially schizophrenics. At the same time I’ll ask you not to drink alcohol excessively because I was caught in that trap 20 years ago.
So keep the flag up.
I regret that I went below 600 mg of Seroquel because yesterday I got a very severe depression because I went down to 300 mgs. So now I’ve learned to stay on 600 mg.
Another lesson learned in life. For the first time I understand what you say when you use the term depression.
I’ve been on Seroquel 400 x 2 daily for two decades. It still helps. I’ve also been on Geodon 80 x 2 daily along with my Seroquel.
Crimby I’m very positive on Seroquel aswell.