I’ve been having sleep problems since I switched to geodon 18 months ago. In the past few months my pdoc has been progressively upping my dose of seroquel for sleep.
I’m up to 300mg per night and it is not helping. He said he can take it up o 400 for sleep. I told him that if his psychiatry doesn’t start working for me I’m going to try medical marijuana for sleep. He said my paranoia would get worse, but overall seemed pretty on board with the plan. He also said if I go med. marijuana to let him know and he would take me off of the
I was expecting a fight with my pdoc over this, but that’s not what happened at all. Seems like things are changing in favor of medicine and patient care.
High doses of Seroquel probably don’t work any better than very low doses for sleep. 25mg or 50mg are commonly prescribed for sleep. I can’t stand marijuana. I dislike that drug a lot.
I too have experienced sleep interruptions with Geodon. I now take 200mg of seroquel to sleep as well. I’m surprised at how high of a dose he is willing to put you on for sleep. But overall I’m glad your conversation went well!
My pdoc said that geodon is activating for 50% of the population and sedating for the other 50%. It knocks me out like I’ve been bludgeoned every night.
If you’re considering medical marijuana, please get a strain with high CBD and no THC. The THC worsens schizophrenia, whereas CBD is an anti-psychotic. CBD is also a sedative.