I think this is a good way to spend some time and learn at the same time. I am especially interested in the Russian Empire before the communistic revolution and I have learned many things,for example what the coat of arms are in the main coat of arms of Russian Empire, this is just my hobby, quite educational one.
You picked a good subject. Russian history is rich and full of tragedy.
i hate russia!!!
just kidding
I like the last Tsar and his family.
Cool hobby! I’m also interested in history particularly the American Civil War. If it makes you happy then suck all the marrow out of life.
Well one of the pluses of the recent election is that we are going to try to be friends with russia again. Let’s hope they don’t spit in our face. Of course on foreign policy I would be more lenient on what that is.
I play a game all the time with imperial russia. You begin as muscovy and form russia by taking over novgorod. Then you attack the hordes in the east and take their land. Then you expand to the south west by attacking the polish lithuania commonwealth. One of the few fair games that I played was with muscovy. Wasn’t on ironman mode because I was using mods. Also the auto-saving sucks. Oh the game is called Europa Universalis 4.
Today one newspaper had a good article how Russian Czars developed Finland, eventually to achieve the indepedence, I thought this was a good article, it is in Finnish, but you may use Google Translator to translate it.
I saw a documentary of some russians training to be harp players.
Brilliant musicians these people, very hard instrument to learn.
Hopefully one day the musicians and artists can live without the rest of them.