My dad had a nystagmus which meant he was visisually impared, partially sighted…and his eyes moved… when I got ill I saw his eyes in people… it was very strange. I thought he was looking out for me.
Wow. That must have been just as scary as it was comforting.
Hard to imagine being comforted by a father. My father was a binge drinker who tried to strangle me and smoked crack in my house.
Sorry i hijacked the thread to talk about myself again, i use this web site to vent do i dont annoy my friends
I do the same lol
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Don’t apologise… I am sorry about the relationship with your father…
That’s pretty wild, @anon25873142.
I can imagine it was frightening yet oddly comforting at the same time.
Had some experiences where I hallucinated my dad and other relatives’ voices.
Will never forget when my cousin’s voice came through my stomach. Very strange.
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