When I go talk to my dad

People think I’m sleeping with my own father and yell obscenities. Between my mom not getting help for her illness and him having a second heart attack I want to kill them. Of course I’m not gonna do it. I went outside and the sun hurt my eyes

Just got called ■■■■. I’m supposed to be sleeping with everyone in my town. I Don’t.
What I really am is schizoaffective. Now that i think back I was signs of sza at twelve. I give up on my mind.

Can you tell when it’s a hallucination and when it’s not?

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Yeah it happens more than once. Same people. I thought I was getting better.

You are getting better… You know the people yelling about you are really just hallucinations. Insight is half the battle.


Pretty sure I’ll get called a whore for taking a shower.

ignore them, don’t listen you know the truth, they sick, not you.

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