I had the worst appointment ever IDK

I went to the first scheduled appointment. He was late and rude. He kept cutting me off and never answered a single question but instead asked another question. I was then sobbing and he told me to leave and to go back to my other psychiatrist. I scheduled with him for ease of appointments. I knew it was a mistake. My dad didn’t want me to go back to that place he said the office always seemed uptight and snobby. I will continue to go to the other clinic which is a state-funded one vs. private. I found it better to be honest and my dad is a volunteer there. My psychiatrist there is really good anyways and I still have my appointment I kept with him in case it didn’t go well. I had a job interview the same day and it was pretty bad because the psychiatrist made me cry and miss the interview but the woman let me come, and it was for a BHT position behavioral health technician. I doubt that HR will call me with this stupid charge that could come up even though I was told the prosecutor doesn’t want to pursue that because was using me to show that they were not being partial to the witnesses during this investigation that went on for over two years.

I am still talking to one of my friends involved and I have been mostly distant. I have not seen in him person for a few months and I might go to his grandfather’s funeral tomorrow if he texts me. It is just difficult because I thought he was a good friend in some ways, and I am always wearing my heart on my sleeve, while on the flip side I speculate that I should just avoid him until it is no longer an issue or move on. We were really close for the past couple of years.


sorry you had a bad appointment…that was not cool…but here is a heart :heart: for you.
koala :koala: hug.
take care :alien:

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