It’s the only way I can describe it. I’m voice and delusion free but I still have a very serious problem. Maybe something is broken, maybe it has always been this way, but there is something that makes the way I think wrong.
Not all your thinking is wrong, give yourself some credit, just a part of you that needs medicine a bit like diabetes or pain meds only sz
No, I try that. It has been long enough, I should have gotten back on my feet by now. I’m perfectly happy to blame my faults on myself but it is something different. Something with all the willpower in the world I could not overcome. I just don’t think right. I had a horrible experience last night which made me realise how bad it really is. It’s not that I am weak minded. In fact I believe the opposite. It is just something has gone wrong up there and it will never be rectified.
What specifically is the problem ?
The only way I can describe it is I just don’t think the same way as everyone else. There is something really bad about it. Things like social problems, negative thinking, stress for no reason, struggles getting on with life, that’s all secondary. Theres something gone wrong up there and it’s not because my outlook on life is different.
I got to remain hopeful, I keep saying if I keep strengthening my mind then It may heal my brain and my pdoc didn’t say it couldn’t happen but to keep taking my med in the mean time
Meditate - it really makes a difference
How many years ago did you start taking meds ?
About 13 years ago.
I kind of feel the same as you. And I started on meds 10 years ago. Things could be worse but things could be better.
Ya sz is what it is, it messes us all up. But normal people have these issues too. Give yourself some credit, I think you’re just being too hard on yourself. Things take time and maybe you ARE on your feet it’s just you have high expectations. Are you homeless or addicted to drugs or alcohol?
No lol, never taken drugs as an adult. Don’t get me wrong I have normie issues but it doesn’t give you the feeling that your mind is opening and closing like a drug rush like I did last night. There is some major malfunction in my brain.
Ya me too but we are doing pretty good considering. You seem alright in my book, are you on antidepressants? I’m gonna try them at my doctors Monday. I just want to stop feeling unmotivated and push through my condition to maximize my potential. I was against my own use of them for years but it’s time I think.
I don’t have anxiety or depression so it would be pretty useless for me.
Sorry @moderators can you shut this thread down? It is unconstructive and I don’t think I will get any advice that will help me. Sorry.
Thread closed per OP’s request.