I opened a little shop online. And for a day it was fine. Within four days I was obsessed. And it’s not even the money but wanting to get a sale that seemed thrilling. I had to give my account over to my partner to manage because it got that bad.
Don’t know if it’s the Schizophrenia, but I get obsessed over subjects, items, projects, anything really. My husband also has to help me or I’ll end up taking something too far. I hate it.
I’ve had ocd before. It was pre psychosis but I’d be checking windows and doors constantly. Saying that though I think my ex Mrs was low bi polar. Never diagnosed although has seen a shrink. She’d get wildly obsessive about things and you couldn’t detrain her thoughts. I think it could be a symptom or sz aff or sz or even bipolar.
As always it’s about limits to your function. If it’s stopping you from living well then it’s a problem to bring up with doc!
im the same, I was buying tents, ive got twenty - my husband had to ban me from ebay for a while, not the money but just the obsession of ““needing”” different size tents. why? I have no idea
I have obsession with things , too. Last year I was obssessed with raising gold fish, and this year I was a little obsessed with buying jade bangles. I guess this obssession has something to do with boredom and killing time. In oder to avoid spending money , I am now thinking about to build a mini forum for my family and firends like providing a cyber lounge and a cyber garden for them to share and to cultivate. and mostly for me to practice my Chinese language skills.
My OCD also was much worse pre-sz onset. The idea that OCD can ‘protect’ you from sz is now discredited, but there might be something going for it.
Meds seem to help that!
MY OCD basically disappeared overnight when I got really ill.
It seems to me to confirm the spectrum of serious mental illness. We all can suffer whether sz, sz aff or bipolar. It’s the similar chemical process.
I suspect those dopamine antagonists make a difference in your thoughts!
I get obsessed when I’m hypo-manic or manic. Crap I get obsessed anyway but it’s worse when manic.
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