I finally found out what's wrong with my stomach

I have GERD and gastroparesis. Gerd is acid reflux. Gastroparesis is a condition where your stomach doesn’t empty properly. When that happens, there are all kinds of symptoms. For me, nausea vomiting and weightloss are extreme. I’m a diabetic 2. I’m going to have to change what I eat, and take 4 or 5 meds for this, alone.

So, there! Clear as mud. Lol


Gerd is very unfun. Sometimes I wake up with acid coming up. It was so bad once I went to the hospital thinking it was a heart attack.

I had gastroparesis for a while. For me, it went away eventually. Eating a vegetarian diet really helped me a lot, but I think it’s different for everyone.

I have Gerd. It sucks. But I haven’t lost weight with it or anything.

That’s unfortunate, Trish. I’m sorry about the meds. But at least you know what you have now. And like @Ninjastar said, maybe it will go away on its own after a while

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Hey I technically have GERD also! Mine went away though, at least I’m pretty sure it did.

Sorry to hear about all the extra meds. But I hope it’s at least somewhat comforting to know what’s wrong now.

Take care.

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I’m used to gerd. Fortunately, I have a history with it, and know what to do.

The gastroparesis is new. I’ve been sick for months. I’m just glad it’s not cancer. I’ve lost so much weight!


@Ninjastar are you a diabetic? They want me to start a low residue diet, which has a ton of things that I can’t eat.

Not diabetic. Mine had no known cause, but I can say after a lot of therapy it got better. So I strongly suspect it was PTSD related.

@LilyoftheValley I think that the gastroparesis is what has caused the weightloss and nausea vomiting.

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Thanks, @AccreditedPsych I’m relieved to know what it is, just stressed about what to eat and drink.

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At least you have a diagnosis now!!! I’m so glad that now you can deal with it accordingly. :slight_smile:

Well, I hope it clears up soon for you.

@Montezuma always a kind word from you. Thanks, darling!

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My gi doc said it could be caused by many things, but she didn’t mention ptsd, which I have.thanks @Ninjastar

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@anon78876561 shall we dance ?


Thanks @LilyoftheValley play while we dance? Lol

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:joy:. Sounds fun!!!

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Totally! Victory dance! Rule the world! :slight_smile:


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