I feel terrible

Today my partner’s cousin’s frog died. It was practically cooked a 100 watt bulb a heat pad without a thermostat and the house was around 84 degrees because of the furnace. They didnt listen to a word I said. I told them what to do they also werent spraying her. Rest in piece little girl. It’s not the kids fault it’s his parents and my in laws for thinking she would be an easy pet

Sorry to hear about your frog. It’s always sad when a pet passes. You still have your other pets, right? Hope you find some solace in them.

No it was my partners cousin’s frog. He had a Cuban tree frog I have a cranwall pacman frog. I’m just mad they didn’t do any research before getting that animal

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Oh i didn’t read it correctly. I guess this was definitely something that could’ve been avoided. Sorry you’re dealing with this.

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Sorry too. I shouldn’t be mad but he had a orange throat skink…died in 24 hours the frog lasted 4 months but that was me telling them how to care for her. They stopped talking to me

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I guess some people aren’t responsible enough for pets.

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I am so sorry. You must be really upset…I hope you can find peace.


Why didn’t you just free the trapped animal before the sickness arrived?. For example the same day his freedom was stolen… … …

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there are frogs in the amazon plus i didn’t think they still make 100 watt light bulbs.

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I agree it’s the parents doing. My neighbour bought a rabbit for her child and when I went outside for a smoke the little girl had a leash on the bunny and was swinging it around above her head. I yelled at her to stop but the rabbit was already dead. Children need to be taught how to care for animals

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Animals need freedom… … …

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I don’t know. His parents didn’t listen either.

@anon30865512 the frogs in the Amazon aren’t forced to be in a small glass container. There’s shade and humidity. If kept correctly a frog can make a good pet. The 100 watt bulb was a pet shop specialty bulbs for reptiles.

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I’m sorry they wouldn’t listen. People always underestimate the care needed for pets

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Sorry to hear about the frog. I love frogs but they are certainly not easy pets. They are very delicate. Moisture and heat has to be just right. People shouldn’t have pets if they aren’t gonna look after them properly. RIP frog.

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Accidental cruelty to animals? some people think humans are animals.

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I researched and begged for 7 years before I was given jasper as an anniversary gift. I still like to read books, caresheets and watch videos some informational others for entertainment.

Is Jasper the frog in your avatar? If do that is a beautiful frog. What kind of frog is Jasper?

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Yeah that’s jasper. He’s a cranwall pacman frog. There are 8 species of pacman frogs. I have the most common which is a cranwall. My partner promised as soon as we move ( if it ever happens) and get settled I can get another pacman frog this time an ornate or fantasy. Leaning towards the ornate I want a high red.

Jasper some times can be a little moody. He has snapped at me before because he was hungry and once when pissed off. Thank you for the complement . he’s soaking in his water bowl

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they eat roaches right? i need one of those newfangled free range frogs. how fat can they get before it becomes a health problem?

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He eats mainly night crawlers, hornworms, live bearing fish, raw shrimp and pacman frog food