I feel so sick

My husband and I went to steak and shake and I got a lettuce wrapped burger with fries I ate the entire burger and half the fries but I feel really sick


Hope you feel better soon @Twialine.

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@eighteyedspy23 thanks

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Oh no! Did you get food poisoning?

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@CoCo I honestly have no clue

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Hope you feel better soon hon

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Hope you feel better fellow knitter.

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Oh I’m sorry @Twialine
Feel better soon!

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I hope you’re feeling better very soon.

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@eighteyedspy23 @CoCo @roxanna @anon63380492 @Wave
I feel a lot better thanks to a new tea I found… I’m sure I’ll feel the repercussions later… This next (up to) 2 weeks is gonna suck


I’m glad the tea is helping

When I eat something and don’t feel good I stick my finger down my throat and throw up. Feel better almost instantly.

When they mix the burger patties they often use grain as a filler for burgers and sausages. You can’t eat that I’m afraid unless they specifically state gluten free.

It’s another one to look out for sadly.


@CoCo I’m glad too
@Headspark I was uptown there was no way to do that
@labratmat ohhhh… Is there anything else I need to look out for?


I don’t like burgers but I love sausages. I buy frozen gluten free sausages instead. They are three times the price of normal sausages though.

If you drink beer, think again. There is gluten free beer available though.
I get gluten free tortillas. I have gluten free flour to make pancakes with.

The thing is if you eat out you cannot guarantee it to be gluten free. There are surfaces covered in flour for example. Home cooking is the only alternative and take it with you.

I can’t think of anything off hand to look out for particularly though.

Oh yeah, Chinese sauces. They have wheatgrass in them. I thought I was allergic to pineapple once when I made a prawn and pineapple rice with a chinese sauce once, but it turns out it was the sauce. This was before I became aware of and more allergic to the gluten.

Even soya sauce can contain gluten unless you buy one specifically that is gluten free. It is to do with the factories where it is prepared I think.

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ah nice, glad to hear you feeling better @Twialine

@labratmat you’re kidding me right??? I’m shocked to hear all of this! I guess I really gotta be more careful…

@lekkerhondje I’m glad too

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I wish I was kidding you. It is a tough diet. You’ll get used to it though. Celiac disease is life changing.

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You’re telling me! I feel… So overwhelmed… It’s a lot to take in at once but I gotta know what can hurt me and what can’t…


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