I feel so punished

if I don’t suffer from the sz disease than I am suffering from the way people treat me. I don’t feel I deserve such punishment.

I don’t know how to get away from it all.



most suffering is perceived…in other words not real.
as sz we feel persecuted…it can be ’ real '…but most of the time it is only in our minds.
you are strong, and dynamic…try to dispel these thoughts from your mind, and bring logic, not emotion into the equation.
know someone cares
take care :alien:

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I walk softly and carry a big stick.

Don’t let people ■■■■ with you unless you absolutely have to in order to achieve your goals.

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Hi Judy you say you suffer from the way people treat you how so? You are being punished? Well smarten up and find the clues. What about people make you suffer? Why do you think they want to hand you punishment? Do you deserve it? Really? It’s my guess you need to put your foot down, and stand up for yourself. Don’t get involved in the first place. You feel overwhelmed? Take a break. Alright Judy you try that. It’s nothing you can fix this problem easy just focus on it. Good luck

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thanks schizoflux. I am not the assertive type but then I have to put my foot down is true.


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I agree with @darksith. Suffering is not real. My suffering was also unbearable but anti depressants and mood stabilizer and AP’s helped me to break the spell. We confuse pain and suffering and anxiety with emotional feelings and perceive them to be to what they are not E.g. love or compassion or hurt ego etc. We must try to be emotionally neutral.and discard pain and confusion for what they are…not real. It is just not right to experience so much agony. I’m not Freud or Jung but I’ve somehow figured it out that only sticks and stones can break my bones. I hope you feel better very soon. I must say that I still suffer sometimes but I try to get over it as soon as possible. Life is just to short to be hurtful or angry or suffering.


Is it your desire to be alone? I perceive I’m not wanted until I retreat to my room which is want I want to begin with.

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