I feel so crap that I can't have kids

I feel like it’s the purpose of life.

And I can’t fulfill it.

I also want to try coming off meds one day

But if I was having kids that’s a big no no



My bf wants kids. But he says if it’s not possible it’s OK. Cos he loves me. Sigh. This is a hard decision


Lots of people don’t these days. I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of at all. I’d say there’s more to life than just having kids myself. What are the reasons you want to have kids? Just wondering

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Thanks Dizzy…

Tbh I just remembered a thread of mine being shut down on a similar topic and it really upset me
I better keep my mouth shut

But anyway I appreciate the reassurance.

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I kinda feel the same. I feel like I’ve failed at life, not necessarily because i don’t have kids but its lots of things. Can’t hold down a job, had to move back with my parents, overweight, no friends etc. Sorry I’m rambling now. I don’t know i just feel a bit crappy at the moment.


Sorry to hear that Reflex

Yeh I can relate to feeling crappy atm.

So we are kind of in the same boat.

We will get through this

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I helped raise my nephew. It was so much fun when he was little and taking him to fun children places. But for me it got stressful when he became a teenager. Found texts on his phone when he was 12 from girls saying when are we going to have sex. A condemn fell out of his wallet when he was 14. He almost got totally involved with gangs. He is now around the age of 30 and lives in another country. He has a great work ethic. He says he is genuinely happy. Don’t hear from him only every 4-5 months or so. It is so good to hear him say he is doing well.


Well done @Dude1 you did a good job.

You should be proud


My fatherhood went down the tubes.
My daughter showed up mentally ill.she committed suicide at age 18,. Don’t hold your breath


I so sorry to hear that.

That’s incredibly sad

You did your best though I hope you don’t feel bad.

I think the main reason I want a kid is because my bf would like it.

I realise that’s not really a good reason perhaps.

I feel so bad that I can’t give him that though because u know, I love him., :confused:

^^^honestly it really upsets me cos I want my bf to be happy.

Kind of makes me feel selfish that I’m not letting him go.

Because another younger and stronger woman could give him a child perhaps.

**I like to think
Favorably of my experience as a father!


Yes, and it makes sense to do so. I’m sure you were an amazing dad


Have you and your boyfriend ever heard of Big Brothers Big Sisters. It is an organization that has chapters in different cities that hook up someone that wants to feel like a part time aunt uncle or big brother to a child or teen that maybe is disadvantaged and could really use some time, love and attention. Maybe someone to take them out for ice cream. Maybe you could see if there is a Big Brothers Big Sisters chapter near where you live.

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Vinegar, thanku for the suggestion.

You’re welcome! It is a little different from fostering or adopting a child.

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My brother, sister and Uncle have had wonderful fulfilling lives without children.


Maybe you can adopt an older kid if that would be satisfying

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Why can’t you have children? Have you seen a fertility expert? Have you sought a second opinion?
I’m sorry to hear about your struggle to have children and wish you the best.