I feel microwave chip in armpit throbbing

My pdoc is out to get me, he implanted a microchip in my left armpit and he continues to torment me. He put a camera in the phone pole outside my house and is microwaving intrusive thoughts in my brain saying they’re stealing your thoughts. My housemates are laughing about me and when I’ve stood outside their rooms for hours and hours they are talking in secret languages which I know they are slagging me off in…

There is no microchip.

And why would your pdoc be interested in spying on you?

They wouldn’t, that doesn’t make any sense.

You need to quit drinking, it exacerbates your symptoms, and be honest with your pdoc about the feelings you’re having.

They can help you.

Are you seeing a therapist?

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Are you still on invega ? What dose are you on?

I’m a prime target because I haven’t no family. I’m an experiment… There is defiantly a microchip.
He has activate it.

Can I ask why you you said I need to stop drinking?

100mg… but this is Dr B about to get me by gaslighting me… I havent got anything wrong me with/

You are not an experiment.

And I mentioned the drinking because you’ve come on here several times trying to self medicate with alcohol.

It makes your symptoms worse and your mind less rational.

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That sucks. 100mg was working.

How long ago did you get the injection ?

(Sometimes people here complain about the injection “wearing off” just before they get it again.)

I had the injection on Wednesday just gone…

I admitted to my team manager in my supported living house the very intrusive thoughts I keep having saying ‘’ they’re stealing you thoughts and’’ its easy to kill yourself’’ They are actually voices that are so bad when I can’t distract myself from them and are much worse when I’ve been drinking alcohol… They are becoming intolerable. I don’t want to get sectioned/hospitalised… Dose me admitted the voices when I’ve kept them secret for so long mean I’m going to get sectioned/hospitalised…

What would my team think me admitting them? Is it good thing or bad… I think it will be bad… You know know me being admitted to hospital would be a bad thing… They are all wearing PPE stuff… ATM…

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Try not to have any alcohol in the house.

Probably not. They might just adjust your dose again.

---- I want to write this – How can I tell my nurse about the voices without me getting into trouble?

Ant and Ash are talking about me… Chris - I stood outside their room when they was together and they are talking in secret languages laughing at/about me… I stood outside there for a while and it didn’t stop… They are doing secret face muscle contact with each other in front of me and they don’t know I know…

‘’’‘Can I ask if it is going to go against me if I admit I’m hearing voices’’’’

No, tell your dr what you really feel.

while there have been many letters sent

the APA in general ignores everything you mentioned.

You need to relax mate, we can all assure there’s no chip in your body, it’s all a product of your minds imagination, as for standing by the door hearing a strange language is also a product of your imagination.

You really have to come to terms and accept your ill… Otherwise you will wind yourself up and never get better.

I wish you the best, I really do. :crossed_fingers:

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