I feel Deja vu all the time

So for starters I feel deja vu all the time. It’s not normal deja vu though. Almost everytime I go somewhere new or meet someone new I feel like I’ve already done it before. But it’s like I have memories as if they were dreams of being in the same place at the same time but everything that people say or do is opposite to what actually happens. For example, I will go to a new restaurant with my friends and someone will say something but in my dream/memory I’m the one who said it. I used to believe my friends and family were doing it all on purpose. I used to think I was a pawn in some huge game to ■■■■ with your mind. I still kind of do but not as much. I’m trying to wrap my head around it all. Just wondering if anyone else has these deja vu moments as much as I do thanks.

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I have multiple deja vu and I take Lamictal for it

I prayed to start over once cause i was in a really bad place… I asked if itd be painful and the voice said itd be harder the 2nd time around not painful… So i woke up without knowing what i had asked and a few days later i remember stuff i did before i asked and had de ja vue for bout 3 years with alot of things( people places things)… Its been reducing since i relized i surpassed when i had prayed and am finally moving forward with my life

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I’ve read people had similar experiences with that, you should search for it in the search bar above.I get dejavu a lot as well, I think it’s all part of schizophrenia

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