Okay I didn’t really drop out, I’m doing home school for students with disabilities with the goal of returning to school next year. But that doesn’t matter, I’m still treated like a dropout.
Doesn’t sound like a dropout to me, sounds like a fighter!
My senior year of high school I had to become “home bound” which is where you get to school at night with students who have mental problems or they got into trouble. I was the only one there with a mental issue but I wouldn’t have graduated if this didn’t happen so I’m very happy that it worked out that way. If becoming home schooled is what it takes to graduate, then there’s nothing wrong with that and I commend you for it.
You are facing things most high school students could not and still fighting on! I almost didn’t graduate this year due to being sent to a hospital but was lucky to make it. The fact that you are staying with it shows that you are strong and a fighter!
I technically dropped out my senior year of high school. I couldn’t handle it, the anxiety was too much for me so I stopped going without telling my caretaker.
I got lucky and three years later they gave me my diploma because I happened to have enough credits to graduate when I had stopped going. I had an advocate fight for me.
Stick with it, even through the jerk treatment. It’s important, you really do need it. I lived life without it and it was not a party. Lol.
my partner dropped out of high school when she turned 17. her birth mother made her drop out to take care of her little brothers.
she started going to GED classes a few years ago but her step mom and her dad kept getting in the way until finally she felt she could pass the test and she did and earned a GED certificate. she got her GED 11 years after dropping out.
Don’t feel like a drop out at least you are still getting an education.
People may call you many things but you have to define yourself.
You are still learning and that is the important thing.
I know an engineer that just went to correspondence school. It was not a traditional path but he’s still An engineer.
They don’t care how he learned stuff, he just did.
You’ll get your degree and then you get to pick what’s next.
Acknowledge this: your an individual not a subject. It’s easy to group ourselves into a category according to society. Free yourself from narrow thinking. Your contribution is valuable!
It’s no big deal @HulGil, you’ll be able to pull through. Good luck! Best wishes
It is a small thing compared to your health.