I don't want to go on

I feel frozen. I can’t move. Every day I screw up my life more. I just can’t get my life straight. I’m really sick of being me.


unfreeze yourself…everything will be o k…don’t worry about tomorrow, today is all we really have and then it doesn’t seem so daunting to just live in the moment…I love you and want you to get better @FatMama


But we all must.

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It can be overwhelming but hang in there. Start small. One positive thing a day. In may not be much but it’s how you work out of the rut. It’s easy to fall into it. It’s hard to get out but you can be strong. Also. If you need it ask for help. It’s not bad to ask for help.

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I’m so out of sorts I yelled at the animals. Now I feel like ■■■■

I always yell at myself when the WiFi is down :sweat_smile::joy:

Give 'em hell @FatMama.

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Please don’t be so hard on yourself @FatMama These are incredibly stressful times and this can skew one’s thinking to be very self-critical and negative.

You’re an incredible person. Sending you a hug! :hugs:


Don’t go. We’ll miss you. I like reading your posts. You know we’re here for you k.

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