I am 16 and have been hearing voices for 6 months , always saying mean things and telling me to hurt myself or others. I’ve had really bad depression for awhile and have made an attempt on my life before. I am feeling really suicidal right now, and I have no one to talk to my parents won’t understand. I just don’t know what to do right now. I know where the shotgun is and I am really tempted.
Do not pay attention to these thoughts of harming yourself
You are very young and believe me you will find help and you will get better and have a decent life
Can you talk to a doctor?
Be strong and get help
Speaking as the parent of a teen myself, your parents will understand more than you think. You are incredibly important to them and your health and happiness is of utmost concern. Please talk to them about getting help for how you are feeling. If you can’t do that, please call a local crisis line for help. These thoughts of self-harm are not good and you obviously require some sort of assistance.
Best wishes.
Most schools have a school counsellor you can see for free. If your struggling to communicate with your parents I’m sure they’d be happy to act as a mediator on your behalf. Would also probably be the best place to start getting offline help to get the ball rolling for you.
Possibly difficult to access during summer months unless the new member is part of a year-round schooling program.
The U.S. has a 24/7 suicide lifeline and Website:
I am thinking this is a good place to start if there is an urgent need for help immediately.
Please think global!
Figured I was doing good by not thinking Canadian.
I don’t know how they do things where you live, but here, all you have to do is call an ambulance and tell them you are suicidal .
It’s not healthy to be thinking about suicide. Try not to do that. When I was your age I felt like I was stranded apart from people, and life was passing me by. I’ve heard people talk about “judging your insides by other people’s outsides”. It looked lie everyone was enjoying life but me. It was a terrible feeling. Now I’m 56, and I don’t feel that any more. Work on enjoying the simple pleasures, like eating out, eating ice cream, seeing a movie. Things get better.
Yes in time you might start to notice the simple things in life and enjoy things again
I was really depressed as a teen. Please be brave and ask for help! Call a crisis line or if your life is in immediate danger call the ambulance.
May I ask what country you are in? Different countries have different numbers to get help. I’m in Sweden. Here you can also call 112 and ask for a priest if that will help. Or an ambulance. Or the police.
Deep depression can cause negative voices.
- Get a copy of this book and read it. Have your family read it, too. NOW.
- Get properly diagnosed by a board-certified psychopharmacologist who specializes in the psychotic disorders. One can find them at…
- Work with that p-doc to develop a medication formula that stabilizes your symptoms sufficiently so that you can tackle to the psychotherapy that will disentangle your thinking from reality effectively. The best of the therapies for that currently include…
DBT – http://behavioraltech.org/resources/whatisdbt.cfm
MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc