I dont know what it is but

im feel down and out today, just something isn’t right…

Could be the weather. Could be that with schizophrenia you just have ups and downs.

the weather well be changing and as far as my schizophrenia go’s im usly up then down im have a lot of people coming and going with theyer work ups and downs . ask me to help!

i smell the lack of suport…

You’ll probably feel better tomorrow, hang in there DrZen.

Sorry you got hit with this …

I hope the glitch doesn’t have you down too long

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. :v:

Stick to noticing what IS right, on a day when you feel something isn’t right. Better to accentuate the positive and get through it, yeah?


i’m sorry you feel that way @TheGreatestDrZen, I think everyone even non-szs feel that way sometimes.