I got diagnosed with schizophrenia back in April 2010. But have not had an episode of psychosis in all that time. Few months back I had a manic episode or so they say so I got put on an anticonvulsant. I am doing brilliantly. So now I am on 5mg Abilify and 400 mg Tegretol. Some say the Abilify amount gets reduced if you take tegretol but I have been taking it for months and nothing has happened. Which still makes me question the original diagnosis but sometimes I still feel it might be correct (i think i might have schiz) at the same time… ugh I guess it don’t matter though.
what are symptoms you do still have?
none of psychosis to my knowledge…
that doesn’t mean it’s not schizophrenia though… one of my uncles diagnosed sz, I have never once in my life seen him act any different, or psychotic… my other uncle on the other hand, I’ve never seen him half ass normal.
it all depends on the person though. your diagnosis could be wrong, but it could be correct too, and I don’t think because you haven’t had a psychotic episode in 6 somethin years means that it is incorrect
The last opinion said bipolar with psychosis, i think I just confused myself even more
I came off abilify and went two years without psychosis. Then I landed in the hospital. However, you’ve always been on a sub therapeutic dose of abilify, so I doubt it was ever doing anything in the first place.
At 5 mg of Abilify, this is going to act like an antidepressant - It is not going to control psychosis at this low dose
Ish, you have been struggling with this issue about whether you are schizophrenic or not for quite awhile, right?
As long as you’re stable ish, that’s what’s important.
I have times I question my dx too, so I know the feeling.
Psychiatry is based on a lot of guesswork.
You may never know your true diagnosis.
It really doesn’t matter, as long as you are feeling well.
Doctors are never sure about my diagnosis.