I don't know how to express what I feel

It is really frustrating.

Anyone feel the same.

I just feel that I can’t.

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Well, you can try to do so :wink:

Honestly, your post is a lil bit cryptic.

Does cryptic mean vague?

I can’t try because i have difficulty to do it.

It’s difficult to explain.


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Also difficult to express some of my thoughts.

That was wat I was meant to say.

But yea feelings too. Some of them.

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Yes, I think it’s called alexithymia.

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I don’t think I have that.

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Maybe therapy, journaling or art can help with this.

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I go through that too…right now I’m working on music and can’t express anything :sob:

Also…when I talk to people I find it hard to say what I mean. Maybe it’s the meds …idk

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Ahhhh that sucks man.

Things will get better for u I hope.

It usually does… And as far as you not being able to express… maybe just try to relax and do t think about it so much.


I don’t have much to express, except some frustration and sometimes sadness. I don’t want to let those two feelings define me, but they’re all I’ve got.

I do feel content sometimes as well. But it’s an absence of frustration and sadness, rather than anything positive.

If I was a composer I’d probably leave the audience depressed or confused.

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Yeah I don’t have the normal emotions and reaction to socializing anymore. A lot of the times I feel right under the surface I’m cracking(laughing) up. It’d be nice if some of that came out. It’s just forced down by something.

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you might have alexythemia if some of the feeling you are having are sensations from your body, and not actual feelings

its a tricky thing to tell the difference

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Can u giv an example?

Because I really don’t feel I have alexythmia

well your boyfriend might say something but your stomach will get knotted up and it will feel a lot like your own reflex to his action, but it is just a bodily sensation. Knotting of stomach, butterflies, feel like need to run, etc.

IF you are having feelings you dont know how to express because they have no meaning

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If he says something and I get the feeling to run, it maybe due to fear so there’s the feeling, it just happens that fear makes me feel like running and makes my heart beat fast, since my body is reacting to the feeling of fear.

What makes u say that my feelings have no meaning,? And, Are u talking about the fear feeling with my bf? Or just the feelings I’m currently talking about in this thread which I don’t know how to express?

I dont know if your feeling have no meaning thats just in the case of alexythemia

maybe you have genuine feelings but find it hard to say them

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