I recently saw my family for the first time in a long time and for the first time I was completely emotionally detached from their behaviors. I just observed. Barely said anything the whole night. I saw so much negativity I was just sad for them. As much time I spent yearning for their approval, I don’t really want it anymore.
And I feel on the out skirts of everyone’s lives. Like I don’t quite fit in anywhere. I know the problem is me, but it’s not anything I can seem to fix, I just gotta learn to live by myself .
Yeah, I’m personally struggling with something similar. My family is divided, the older generation is very conservative/christian and the younger is more secular/liberal. I try to be cool with everyone, but that is becoming increasingly difficult. I try to get both sides to like me, but that is only getting me resentment from both sides. Idk, I’m trying to be myself, but I do want their approval because they’re my support system. I know I shouldn’t care, but I still do.
I know for a fact that my “family “ are not my real family.
All they do is suppress me and disrespect me.
They are fake too.
They don’t love me , appreciate me , rea me .
I need them out of my life.
I want my real family.
you can’t live alone
Some times you need to be the adult when your parents and family behave like children.
I have been living alone for two years
That is amazing @Moon
I am the more parental figure with my parents. But i at least have decent(now) parents. I just have to initiate get togethers and things. No one comes to visit me. I have to visit them. And i probably baby my dad. More scared that he’ll run back to the alcohol.
living at home alone of course you can, living completely alone without any social contact would be nice but you can’t, I understood the second
Yeah, I feel like a stranger to my family, my kid’s lack empathy for me, they think I’m just lazy.I do have 1 brother who I’m close to, but my twin and sister are strangers. My parents are dead so it’s just my kid’s and siblings that I have left.
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