I can't complain

This winter has been amazing so far. Usually this time of year it is -30°c/-22°f and today is our coldest day so far and it is -15°c/+5°f. By Wednesday it is supposed to be +1°c/+34°f. It has been incredible.


I’m in a warm Winter as well,


It’s been 27 to 39 f here for weeks. Today was the first real snow since before Xmas. We had some on the ground, but it was patchy. We just got 6 inches last night and today.


Now its -16C here. Last week was warmer.

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we had a little snow lat week but very minimal and it melted very fast

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It was 50 today for me

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well I am glad you are having a decent winter season…it has remained cold here for about a month and we still have a couple months left of cold weather here in oklahoma.

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It has been warm here, which is to my liking!

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been ok here too… i wear warm PJ and i haven’t been cold yet this winter. just when we had some snow last saturday it was a bit colder but it warmed up a bit again since then.

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It’s been around 50 F here. It’s been about ten degrees warmer than usual for this time of year.

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It got so cold for 2 days in the low teens that two pipes froze, and one burst. My plumber gave me a great deal. I’ve been his customer since 2003, and my Mom’s before that.


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