How’s the weather?

It’s the end of winter here and I desperately need some more sunlight.

Can’t wait for spring to begin!

How’s the weather where you’re at?

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It’s getting to 0c here for later on this week at night

But no rain.

Before christmas it rained a lot, so we’re not in drought conditions any longer

During the day today will get to 11c

For lack of sunlight, the pdoc gave me vitamin D tablets, as I had none in my body


I think we’re in similar climates. It will be a similar temp here today, but boy do I miss the feeling of sun burning on my skin.

I have always hated sunlight.

When I worked outside I had no choice but to be in it

We don’t have long until spring now!


Haha. Like a creative during the nighttime.

I wish I lived in a sunnier climate though.

Still about 30 C but it’s honestly been a mild summer for us. Maybe one week where a couple of days were nuts but otherwise it’s been pretty good. Dodged a lot of the rain that down south and up north got so I’m not complaining.

It’s still warm enough to not wear a shirt through the day indoors- save some energy from running the air con all day.

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It’s supposed to feel like 2c tomorrow afternoon.

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That sounds pretty okay for Toronto in the winter.

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Yeah it’s not too bad. Cant wait for spring/summer though. I love me some 30c days.

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I’m not really into the very hot weather. But I do like my sunshine.

However, I would sign for a holiday in Oz.

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oh we had some serious arctic blasts a couple times this winter but now it’s nice at night and nice during the day for a couple weeks so I am hopeful that Spring is on the way here in Oklahoma.

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My winter rarely gets under 10 degrees C and I’m complaining! haha. I live in a pretty good climate touch wood. More sun than rain year round.

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Weather has been grey and cold ever since December. Or maybe even November.

Yesterday was sunny and clear n sort of warm.

Waiting for more days like this.


We’re getting a large dump of snow and then a cold snap.



I like it when its 0c for over a week here as I get a £25 cold weather payment off the government as I’m on a low income of £28000 a year.

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Its 7 degrees c here right now, apparently. Had to look up the conversion since im used to F. Its been a super warm winter and thats probably not a good thing though ive been enjoying the lack of snow

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@bobbilly 28,000 isn’t low income, that’s almost middle class…I live on 1400 a month dude.


£10000 a year out off that is for my rent so I get £18000 a year which is going upon to £20000 in April.

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Its 29 degree C


That’s nice! :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:
